Foreign Remittance - Bangladesh Krishi Bank

Foreign Remittance

Foreign Remittance
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BKB plays an important role in the field of foreign remittance. Most of the BKB branches are located at the remote areas of rural Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi people working abroad and their relatives in the country maintain bank accounts with BKB branches. Bank has an arrangement to allow Bangladeshi people working abroad to send their foreign currencies to their relatives at home. Necessary steps have been taken to widen this sector so that the Bank can serve more people and collect more remittances.

S.W.I.F.T.(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication).

Bangladesh Krishi Bank is now a proud member of SWIFT. It is connected with modern international financial tele communication system. L/C advising/transferring and quick transfer of remittances as well as other financial correspondences have become very easy & speedy with the installation of SWIFT. Bangladesh Krishi Bank’s SWIFT BIC is “BKBABDDH”


Dealing Room

BKB actively operates treasury operation i.e. dealing room operation in its International Department, Head Office, Dhaka to transact foreign currency trading in Inter Bank FC market both at home and abroad.

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